FSBI2016 Symposium
We are happy to report on the success of the 2016 Symposium of the Fisheries Society of the British Isles, which took place in Bangor, Wales, at the end of July.
This was a wonderful gathering of an exceptional collection of “fish & genes” experts who flocked to NW Wales from almost literally everywhere in the world, showcasing all the possible advancements in the field, applied to a myriad of ecological, evolutionary and management questions, spanning from high mountain streams to the deep ocean.
The MarianiLab gang had good representation, with Donna, Charles, Judith, and Naiara attending, and the latter two, like Peter and Chiara, giving great talks. Even Andrew (who will co-organise the next symposium in Exeter) managed to disguise himself as Chrysoula and give a talk about eels!
Then, the icing on the cake: as Stefano whizzed across the parlour, frantically busy with co-hosting the event, he noticed a MarianiLab cluster of people aggregating non-randomly, and NOT by coffee or wine dispensers… So he approached them to investigate the matter further, and he realised that the group kept staring at him with that sort of cheeky, expectant outlook of those who are eager to enjoy a reaction to a deliberately provoked action.
But Stefano hesitated, for 10, 20, 30 seconds… he appeared puzzled and speechless… until, at last, his neuronal network decided to click on! And there it was: a MarianiLab gang all sporting the same, sleek, gorgeous black t-shirt with our beloved icon “Percie”.
Now we have our own uniform, and we look forward to wear it together at future exciting conferences! (some ideas, here: https://www.sgmeet.com/aslo/honolulu2017/sessionlist.asp and: http://dnabarcodes2017.org/).
To have a summary of scientific and fun content from the conference, retrieve the #FSBI2016 hashtag!