Peter Shum, PhD
Welcome - I am a postdoctoral researcher in Prof. Stefano Mariani’s group and I work on the SEATRACES initiative that explores novel approaches to improve seafood traceability in Europe, maximising environmental and economic benefits across the supply chain. I hold a PhD in Evolutionary Biology from the University of Salford, UK; a MSc degree in Evolutionary Biology from University College Dublin, Ireland; and a BSc degree in Mathematical Physics and Biology from Maynooth University, Ireland.
Prior to re-joining the MarianiLab, I held postdoctoral positions in the EvoHull group at the University of Hull, UK and at Stanford University, Hopkins Marine Station, USA.
I have a broad research interest in ecology and evolution, and I seek to understand processes that generate and maintain biodiversity. I am interested in the evolution of natural populations leading to population divergence and ecological speciation. I continue to harness next generation sequencing technology to advance methodological applications to study how ecological communities vary and develop diagnostic approaches in identifying populations, species and commercially important seafood products.
Shum P, Barney BT, O’Leary JK & Palumbi SR (2019) Cobble community DNA as a tool to monitor patterns of biodiversity within kelp forest ecosystems. Molecular ecology resources, 19: 1470-1485.
Shum P, Moore L, Pampoulie C, Di Muri C, Vandamme S, Mariani S. (2017) Harnessing mtDNA variation to resolve ambiguity in ‘Redfish’ sold in Europe. PeerJ 5:e3746 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.3746.
Shum P, Pampoulie C, Kristinsson K & Mariani S (2015) Three-Dimensional Post-Glacial Expansion and Diversification of An Exploited Oceanic Fish. Molecular Ecology, 24: 3652–3667.
Shum P, Pampoulie C, Sacchi C, Mariani S (2014) Divergence by depth in an oceanic fish. PeerJ, 2: e525.